Time Activity Description
Early Morning Departure & Twin Falls
Start your journey early to make the most of your day. The Road to Hana is a winding, scenic drive with numerous stops. Your first destination is Twin Falls, a great introduction to Maui's natural beauty. Enjoy a short hike to the falls and take a refreshing dip if you're up for it. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring water.
Mid-Morning Garden of Eden Arboretum
As you continue, make a stop at the Garden of Eden Arboretum. This botanical garden offers a peaceful retreat with lush landscapes and ocean views. It's a perfect spot for nature lovers and those looking to capture stunning photographs.
Late Morning Ke‘anae Peninsula
Next, visit the Ke‘anae Peninsula for a glimpse into Hawaii's past. This area is known for its taro fields and a rugged coastline. It's a great place to stretch your legs, enjoy a snack, and soak in the views of the powerful waves crashing against the lava rocks.
Early Afternoon Wai‘anapanapa State Park
Wai‘anapanapa State Park is a must-visit with its black sand beach, sea caves, and natural stone arch. Take your time exploring the area, and if you're feeling adventurous, you can even hike along the coastal trail for more breathtaking scenery.
Mid-Afternoon Hana Town
Arrive in Hana Town and enjoy a leisurely lunch at one of the local eateries. Hana is a small, quiet town, but it's rich in culture and history. Visit the Hana Cultural Center and Museum to learn more about the area's heritage.
Late Afternoon Hamoa Beach or Koki Beach
After lunch, relax at Hamoa Beach or Koki Beach. Both offer a chance to unwind and experience the serenity of Maui's less crowded beaches. Take a swim, sunbathe, or simply enjoy the sound of the waves.
Evening Return Trip or Overnight Stay
As the day winds down, you can choose to start your journey back, taking care to drive safely as the road can be challenging. Alternatively, consider an overnight stay in Hana to fully immerse yourself in the tranquil environment and continue exploring the next day.